Monday, October 19, 2009

October 9, 2009

Sharita Smith

Telc. 445.001

October 9, 2009

Media News Article Review

Apple’s Profits Rise 47 Percent on Strong Mac Sales

The company announced on Monday that strong sales of the iPhone and Macintosh computers pushed Apple’s net income to $1.67 billion in the quarter that ended Sept. 26, 2009. That is up from $1.14 billion from the quarter last year. Their Revenue rose to $9.87 billion, from $7.9 billion last year. The company continued to post strong gains in the computer segment while its rivals still struggle from the recession’s impact on consumer spending. Apple said it sold 3.05 million Macs in the quarter. Mac sales were helped by back-to-school shoppers, and by the release of new software, Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard sells for $29, but helped to boost Apple’s profit margin. In addition, the new release of Apple’s new iPhone 3GS, helped to boost profits as well. Apple sold about 7 million phones in the last quarter. Apple has had trouble maintaining a steady supply of iPhones, this means the demand for the phone is very high. “We are thrilled to have sold more Macs and iPhones than in any previous quarter,” said Steven P. Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, in a statement. “We’ve got a very strong lineup for the holiday season and some really great new products in the pipeline for 2010.”

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